Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The seeds I planted last week seem to be doing okay.  This photo is from this morning, about 10 days in.  You can see that the cucumber seeds, which I planted a solid month too early, have all started to sprout.  Elsewhere, there is no action.
My gardening assistant Fernando enjoys helping me check on the seeds in the early morning.  This poorly-executed action shot is from just before he began drinking out of the glass.

Up until today, the seeds really did not need to be watered... the "greenhouse effect" when the plastic covers on has been keeping things moist.  But, because it has not been very sunny the past few days I turned a lamp on (no, not the fluorescent kind, which is something I need to purchase) yesterday.  That really did seem to suck a lot of moisture from the plants.  The cucumber seeds do make me feel like my system is working overall, though, despite some not-so-sunny days and chilly nights. 

Remember: it's not too late to start your own seeds!  Do it in the next week or so and you will be able to transplant them mid-late May!  And if you want to do cucumbers or other squash, you can wait until the end of April.

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